Leover and Bernadette 2008 Mix Tape World Tour Part 1

Leover and Bernadette 2008 Mix Tape World Tour Part 2

Our Top Trip Photographs

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Last day in Cusco and back to Lima

Well after an amazing 14 or so days high up in the Andean Mountains it's back down to sea level for us.  Good old fashioned sea level stuff. Where the air is thick and heavily polluted, although the air in Cusco was pretty poor also, I still like the air down here. It's more breathable. hehehe
Cusco was great, on the last day we went shopping for Christmas presents for the family and made a quick dash up the mountain to Sagsaywaman ('sexy woman') to take some pictures.  I have to say if there was ever a country on earth where you can get some real cool Christmas presents Peru would be that country. Almost all family members have been accounted for and now the task of getting the presents  to them begins..
Saqsaywaman, is an INCA site on top of Cusco it's where they hold there festival of the Sun on June 24th each year. (Expect to see a synth of the place soon on our blogs). The amazing INCA people did great building this massive site using stones that weigh up to 130 tonnes, and what makes it even more amazing is that it is stone on stone.... Beautiful work from these clever builders. The site is huge, not as picturesque as Machu Picchu, none the less still amazing.
I can't get over the stones that they used up there. I mean these things are massive man. And to think that they had to haul these stones up the surrounding quarries makes it even more astonishing. The stones have been placed in each position carefully to tell a story. While eavesdropping in on a tour group, (yes, I'm cheap) the guide said that some of the stones in the walls of Sagsaywaman, form the images of the serpent, puma and condor all of the INCA spirit animals. Then I followed the group around to where the guide showed them where these animal depictions could be found. AWESOME stuff.
I only had a couple of hours at the site. So I was running around as if I was late for an exam. After taking 400 photos, it was back down the mountain and off to Lima....
The bus from Cusco to Lima is about 20 hours, sounds long, but really wasn't that long at all. We went first class with Cruz Del Sur, which means, wider seats and  thicker blankets. Cruz Del Sur is a real nice bus company, you get food and drinks. It's like being on a plane but not! There's a stewardess or what B likes to call them 'road hostesses'. The trip went pretty quick we went from Cusco to Nasca to Lima. The first three hours was terrible though with so many twist and curves on the road. Poor B was really sick and me too, it didn't look like we where gonna make it. But then the road straightened out and we quickly doped ourselves up on cold and flu med's and quickly passed out to sleep.
Staying at the flying dog hostel in Lima for the next three days while we plan the next leg of our trip.

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